Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stabilizing society

Every individual or society should take responsibility of all the four components: Hardwork, luxury, Progress and satisfaction. Destability occurs when any individual/society/country wants luxury, progress and satisfaction for themselves by throwing hardwork at others. When we do this out of selfishness/ego, we are actually interfering in the synchronization of nature. By synchronization, I mean the balance between various stabilizing factors through which the continous flow of nature has happened since thousands of years.

Before 17th century, India was more or less based on the above four classified components and It was among the top peaceful/richest countries in the world (Forget about the invaders) but after that Industrialization started in 18th and 19th century, Europeans felt like exporting cotton cloth, importing raw cotton, getting some indentured workers and finally colonization took place. Its concequence is very evident, be it Vietnam, be it Africa, be it America or be it our very own India. Disbalance in the four components generated greediness and then colonization and even two devastating world wars!!!

Take some lesson from the history. Individual thinking/action impacts the group which in turn impacts the country.We should not just be alive, we should live. Our every small action is associated with certain resonsibilities and that should not be ignored for the sake of small desires. If we have money that doesnt mean, we are free to spend it on anything which we want saying I have earned it, I am free to do anything with it. Your every small purchase, your every small work, your every small food consumption can give a better life to many who needs it and deserves it, just be dutiful in all your action and be helpful to the nature, World will be certainly a beautiful place!


  1. Couldn't agree more. It all comes down to individual responsibility. Without it, every economic or social system will fail. Socialism failed in India due to lousy work ethics of beurocrats and public sector employees. Capitalism is failing in US due to greed. Capitalism can succeed only with philonthropy. Although India is growing at 8-9%, but if Ambani's, Tata's and people like us just kept accumulating money when millions of our fellow countrymen are dying of hunger. The Indian experiment with capitalism is also bound to fail. Let's get our house in order in time. It's still not too late.

  2. "It all comes down to individual responsibility" - This is the bottom line as you said. Capitalism generates forced thinking, Capitalist will show you so many options that you will fail to realize what your basic need is! Whether its a Lee,Levi's, wrangler, Numero or just "cloth with a good quality". Philanthropy comes when you think beyond money (more appropriately being less selfish eventhough its a vague term!) and thats where root of thought comes into picture.

    "Swadeshi funda" is bit more beneficial for India but youth today dont think beyond what they see and they are only seeing ipad, galaxy, htc...Youth will have to come out of forced western capitalism and think beyond it (if 20-30% of them starts thinking so, I will be happy).

    But, I firmly believe if everybody takes onus of four components. It will change future of india. Affection towards our fellow Indian will come naturally ince we start following it.

  3. Very thought provoking indeed!. I look forward to more such articles from your side.
